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CV Guerreiro do Divino Amor


Born 1983 in Geneva, lives and works in Rio de Janeiro



2000-2006 Master’s degree in Architecture from École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble (France) and La Cambre (Brussels)
2004-2006  La Cambre Arts visuels (Brussels) : Atelier “Espaces Urbains”

2012-2013  Cimdata Medienakademie (Berlin) Grant holder for the technical training course “Sound and Video Design”

2015-2016  EAV Parque Lage (School of Visual Arts), Rio de Janeiro, grant holder for the PAC-EAV program (Práticas artisticas contemporâneas)


2021  DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Award Grant (Berliner Künstlerprogramm)

2019  Pipa Prize 2019 (winner)
2019  24o Salão Anapolino de Artes prize (winner)
2018  Cine Esquema Novo festival (honorable mention)
2017  Swiss Art Awards 2017 (finalist)
2016 Generations Prize at the Biennale of Moving Images in Geneva (finalist)
2015 Best documentary short film (De repente, Barbara) Transgender Film festival in Kiel
2015  “Angu de Ouro 2015”, best curator’s film, Cineclube Mate com Angu, Duque de Caxias, RJ, Brasil
2009   Finalist for the film award  “Grande Prêmio Vivo do cinema brasileiro”  (“Clube da Criança”)
2008  Swiss Arts Awards 2008 (finalist)
2005 Winner of the award “La Cambre Architecture“ with“ The Battle of Brussels”


2024  “Super Superior Civilizations”, Swiss Pavilion at the Venice biennale 2024 

2022  “Superfictional Sanctuaries” Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève, curated by Andrea Bellini

2019  “Civilizações Super Superiores” CAC W, Ribeirão Preto, curated by Josué Mattos
2018  “Superfictions”, Paço Das Artes, MIS (Museum of Sound and Image) São Paulo, curated by Clarissa Diniz



2024 Bangkok Biennale “Nurture Gaia” curated by Dr. Apinan Poshyananda
2024 K21-Kunstsammlung Nordrhein Westfalen Düsseldorf, Forthcoming. Speculations in Urban Space curated by Victor Zaiden, Doris Krystof and Catherine Frèrejean

2024 Galeria Marilia Razuk, São Paulo, “A confissão, o diário e o retrato” curated by Ademar Britto

2024 MAB (Museum of Brazilian Art), São Paulo, “reverberações surrealistas” by Laura Rodriguez

2023 Kubik Gallery, Porto (Portugal) ,”Marxismo, rimmel, gás”  curated by Maria do Carmo Pontes

2022  Visual Arts Center, University of Texas, Austin,“Social Fabric: Art and Activism in Contemporary Brazil” curated by Adele Nelson, Mackenzie Stevens and Maria Emilia Fernandez
2022 MACRS (Rio Grande do Sul Contemporary Art Museum) “Cine Esquema Novo em Acervo” curated by Jaqueline Beltrame
2022 SESC Pompeia, São Paulo, “Flávio de Carvalho experimental ” curated by Kiki Mazuchelli and Pollyana Quintella
2022 Venus, São Paulo, “Apocalypse Now”, curated by Ricardo Sardemberg and Rafael Bqueer

2021 Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, "Ninguém teria acreditado", curated by Fernanda Pitta and Horrana Santoz

2021 Trienal Frestas, SESC Sorocaba, curated by Beatriz Lemos, Diane Lima and Thiago de Paula Souza

2020 IMS, programa IMS Convida, curated by Heloisa Espada

2019 Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, 7a Bolsa Pampulha curated by Beatriz Lemos, Júlia Rebouças and Mônica Hoff
2019 Villa Aymoré, Rio de Janeiro, Exposição dos finalistas do prêmio PIPA
2019 Kadist Collection, Summer of ‘19, curated by Marina Reyes Franco
2019 24o Salão Anapolino de Artes, Anápolis (Goiás)
2019 Caixa Preta, Rio de Janeiro, “Renovação Carismática”, curated by Rafael Bqueer
2019 MAB-FAAP (Museum of Brasilian Art), São Paulo, “Palavras somam” curated by Laura Rodriguez
2018 Arte Pará 2018, Belém PA, curated by Paulo Herkenhof e Vânia Leal
2018 Solar do Abacaxis, Rio de Janeiro, “Somos Muitxs”, curated by Bernardo Mosqueira and Catarina Duncan
2018 Planetário do Ibirapuera, Comuna Intergaláctica, São Paulo
2017 Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre, Unânime Noite, volume 3, curated by Bernardo De Souza
2017 MAB Centro Museum of brasilian Art, São Paulo, Bienalsur “Aqui, bem ao Sul” curated by de Marcos Moraes
2017 Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre, “Vivemos na melhor cidade da América do Sul” curated by B De Souza & V Gorgulho
2017 Cafuné, Berlin, “Suposto Norte | Suposto Sul” , curated by João Paulo Quintella and Michelle Sommer
2017  Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lituânia ( Lituany ) , “Vienbalse Naktis”  curated by Bernardo de Souza
2017  DESPINA, Rio de Janeiro, “O terceiro mundo pede a bênção e vai dormir” curated by Victor Gorgulho
2017  Swiss Art Awards 2017
2017  Casa França Brasil, Rio de Janeiro “Imersões”
2017  Galeria A Gentil Carioca, “Abre Alas 13 | 2017”
2016   Second Tropical Bienal of Porto Rico curated by Pablo Leon De la Barra
2016  Biennale of Moving Images,  Centre d’Art Contemporain (Geneva)
2016 Átomos,  “Vivemos na melhor cidade da américa do sul” (Rio de Janeiro)
2016 MAR ( Rio de Janeiro’s Art Museum) , “Linguagens do corpo carioca” curated by Paulo Herkenhof
2016  Galeria Bolsa de Arte , São Paulo, “Unânime Noite”, curated by Bernardo De Souza
2016  Casa França Brasil, Mostra imagem em movimento do parque Lage.
2016  DESPINA Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro, ”Da urgência de cada um” curated by Jõao Modé e Alexandre Sá
2015  EAV parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, “A Mão Negativa” curated by Bernardo De Souza
2009  “Brazil”, Substitut Raum für Kunst aus der Schweiz, Berlin.
2008   Swiss Art Awards 2008


FCAC (cantonal fund for contemporary art in Geneva)

Casa Niemayer, Brasília

MAP  (Pampulha Art Museum), Belo Horizonte
MAR Rio de Janeiro’s Art Museum
MAB - FAAP São Paulo (Museum of brasilian art)

Private collections


2023 Senior Fellow at the Swiss institute in Rome (Istituto svizzero) 

2021-2022  DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm, Berlin

2021  Editorial Residency, Select, São Paulo

2020  Embassy of Foreign Artists, Geneva, Grant of république et canton de Genève
2019  7th Bolsa Pampulha, Belo Horizonte 
2018  Residence CAL UnB, (House of Latin America) , Brasília
2018  Pivô Pesquisa (Pivô Research) , São Paulo
2017  FAAP Lutetia, São Paulo




2024  IUAV Venice, Lecture for the master’s students 

2024 Lecture at the symposium “Art & Democracy”, Thanksfornothing, Louvre Museum (Paris)

2024  SP Arte (São Paulo),  “Cosmogonias Digitais” talk with Gabriel Massan

2022  “Tupinicopolis é aqui” conference cycle, talk and debate with Thais Rivitti and André Rodrigues

2022  Le Courrier, "Guerreiro do Divino Amor, Helvetia au firmament" by Samuel Schellenberg

2022  Tribune de Genève, "Quand les fictions façonnent nos civilisations" by Irene Languin
2022  DAAD Galerie, Berlin“Uncommon Grouds” screening and conversation with Pallavi Paul and Ventura Profana
2021  DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm 2021 Yearsbook, text by Clarissa Diniz
2021  Select Magazine, Special report “Superfictional War” (Nutricional Battle between Switzerland and Amazonia)
2021 DAAD Galerie, Berlin “Sampled Grounds”, screening and conversation with Ana Teixeira Pinto
2020  Stillpoint Magazine, issue 004  “Apocalypse”, by Kate Holford
2020  SP-Arte, “20 artists in 2020”
2020  7th Bolsa Pampulha catalogue, texts by Julia Rebouças, Beatriz Lemos and Mônica Hoff
2019  PIPA Prize 2019 catalogue, texts by Clarissa Diniz and interview by Luis Camilo Osório
2019  ArteBrasileiros! Magazine, issue #49, “Reality thrown wide open in the work of Guerreiro do Divino Amor” article and interview by Marcus Grinspum Ferraz
2019  Pivô research, Leandro Muniz entrevista Guerreiro do Divino Amor
2019  Vogue Brasil, issue 2019/02, “Tropicália reloaded” by Rosana Rodini
2019  Paço das Artes, Temporada de projetos 2018 catalogue by Priscilla Arantes
2018  Arte Que Acontece, “Guerreiro do Divino Amor”  by Julia Lima
2018  Arte Contexto, issue 14, Biografia #14: Guerreiro do Divino Amor by Paola Fabres




Besides the Screen, Porto and Hopscrotch reading room, Berlin
4th Mostra de Cinema Latino-Americano de Rio Grande 2022
Festival entretodos 2021 (São Paulo) (Honorable mention)
Cine Parede, galpão Dama, Rio de Janeiro
Perfídia Festival Niterói 2021

Mostra de Tiradentes 2021, Tiradentes

CachoeiraDoc 2020

Janelas de Cinema 2019, Recife
Fest Curtas BH 2019 & 2020, Belo Horizonte
Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, special screening “Artifice and Fiction”, La Salle college 2019
Festival Curta Cinema 2018, Rio de Janeiro
Itaú Cultural SP, “Conversations in São Paulo: cultural exchanges in asymmetric contexts” 2019
Festival Curta Cinema 2018, Rio de Janeiro
Festival Cine Esquema Novo 2018 e 2019, Porto Alegre
Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (Madrid), Mostra «Hasta que las cosas y los cuerpos sean como queremos que sean» 2017
Tokyo Fetish Film Festival 2016 (Tóquio)
Mostra do filme livre 2009, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017 (CCBB SP/RJ/DF/BH) (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia)
Semana Cinerama 2016, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro
Festival Mix México 2016 (Cidade do México)
Mostra Strangloscope 2016, MIS Museu da imagem e do som, Florianópolis, SC
Antebellum Festival Los Angeles 2015
Transgender Film Festival Manila (Filipinas),  Copenhague, Londres e Kiel 2015
Mostra Kino Olho Rio Claro 2009
Curta Santos 2009
Maranhão na tela 2009
Vira Cultura maratona cultural, Conjunto nacional (São Paulo) 2009
FFF San José 2016 (Costa Rica)


​Portuguese and French (native)
English. Spanish, German, and Italian (fluent)






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